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目的:将非药物性干预措施与传统药物方法治疗极低出生体重儿喂养不耐受的临床疗效进行观察比较。方法:选取哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院2011年1月至2013年4月出生的喂养不耐受极低出生体重儿110例。按入院顺序随机分为药物治疗组(MED)55例、非药物治疗组(NON-MED)55例。药物治疗组采用红霉素;非药物治疗组采用腹部按摩法与非营养性吸吮。结果:两组患儿经治疗后,MED组腹胀消失天数(4.4±0.5)、呕吐天数(2.2±0.5)、每日呕吐次数(3.5±0.8)、胃潴留量占每日喂养量(18.3±0.8)、达全肠道喂养天数(8.2±0.7);NON-MED组腹胀消失天数(3.7±0.1)、呕吐天数(1.9±0.6)、每日呕吐次数(2.8±0.1)、胃潴留量占每日喂养量(12.6±0.4)、达全肠道喂养天数(6.1±0.3)。各项治疗指标的对比中,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。MED组治疗有效率76.4%;NON-MED组治疗有效率83.6%。结论:非药物性干预措施可有效改善极低出生体重儿喂养不耐受。  相似文献   


Blood-sucking lice in the genera Pediculus and Pthirus are obligate ectoparasites of great apes. Unlike most bilateral animals, which have 37 mitochondrial (mt) genes on a single circular chromosome, the sucking lice of humans have extensively fragmented mt genomes. The head louse, Pediculus capitis, and the body louse, Pe. humanus, have their 37 mt genes on 20 minichromosomes. The pubic louse, Pthirus pubis, has its 34 mt genes known on 14 minichromosomes. To understand the process of mt genome fragmentation in the sucking lice of great apes, we sequenced the mt genome of the chimpanzee louse, Pe. schaeffi, and compared it with the three human lice.


We identified all of the 37 mt genes typical of bilateral animals in the chimpanzee louse; these genes are on 18 types of minichromosomes. Seventeen of the 18 minichromosomes of the chimpanzee louse have the same gene content and gene arrangement as their counterparts in the human head louse and the human body louse. However, five genes, cob, trnS1, trnN, trnE and trnM, which are on three minichromosomes in the human head louse and the human body louse, are together on one minichromosome in the chimpanzee louse.


Using the human pubic louse, Pt. pubis, as an outgroup for comparison, we infer that a single minichromosome has fragmented into three in the lineage leading to the human head louse and the human body louse since this lineage diverged from the chimpanzee louse ~6 million years ago. Our results provide insights into the process of mt genome fragmentation in the sucking lice in a relatively fine evolutionary scale.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1843-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
A strain of the fungus Cladosporium sp. (RM16) from an egg of Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) was assessed as a potential biocontrol agent for this pest. Pathogenicity of the fungus was tested against H. armigera eggs and larvae, cotton aphids (Aphis gossypii Glover; Homoptera: Aphididae), and silverleaf whitefly type B (Bemisia tabaci Gennadius; Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). The pathogenicity of the fungus to the predatory red and blue beetles (Dicranolaius bellulus Guérin-Méneville; Coleoptera: Melyridae), transverse ladybird beetles (Coccinella transversalis Fabricius; Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), green lacewings (Mallada signatus Schneider; Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) and damsel bugs (Nabis kinbergii Reuter; Hemiptera: Nabidae), was also assessed in the laboratory. Fungus treatment resulted in failure to hatch of up to 64% of H. armigera eggs (compared with 11% in the controls) and mortality of 54% of first instar H. armigera larvae (compared with 5% in the controls). In contrast, it was not pathogenic to later instar H. armigera larvae. Cladosporium RM16 was also efficacious against the sap-sucking insect pests of cotton that were tested. No significant harmful effect of the fungus was found on any of the four beneficial predatory insects assessed in this study. Cladosporium RM16 has the potential as biological control agent to support integrated pest management in cotton farming systems, although this needs intensive study.  相似文献   
在伊朗, 麦扁盾蝽Eurygaster integriceps是小麦和大麦上的主要害虫。新烟碱类杀虫剂是一类具有较强活性的杀虫剂, 对刺吸式口器害虫具有良好的效果。本研究应用触杀和熏蒸两种生测方法测定了4种新烟碱类杀虫剂(噻虫嗪、吡虫啉、呋虫胺和啶虫咪)对麦扁盾蝽3龄若虫和成虫的毒效。触杀法生测结果显示, 各杀虫剂对麦扁盾蝽没有强烈的触杀活性, 但是在高浓度下(5 000 mg/L a. i.), 可见较高的死亡率。熏蒸法生测结果显示, 所有杀虫剂对麦扁盾蝽的若虫和成虫均有较好的毒性。结果提示应用熏蒸方法可能是治理这一重要害虫的新方法。  相似文献   
孟艳芬  郭宪国  门兴元  吴滇 《昆虫学报》2007,50(11):1140-1145
以云南省16种主要小兽宿主体表吸虱群落为分类单元,以基于共54个群落特征变量的各群落优势虱种的相对优势度Dr、染虱率RL、虱指数IL、总染虱率RLT和总虱指数ILT及各群落的结构参数(平均丰富度 、平均均匀度 、平均多样性指数 及平均优势度指数 )来探讨云南省吸虱昆虫与其宿主协同进化的关系。运用SPSS12.0统计软件中的系统聚类分析,对16种主要小兽宿主体表吸虱群落进行数量分析。结果将16种小兽宿主体表吸虱群落分为8个类群。隶属同一个属的小兽,其体表吸虱群落相似程度高,在系统聚类分析中聚为一类; 大多数吸虱群落相似性大小与相应小兽宿主在动物分类上的近缘性高低呈高度一致。结果提示: 吸虱昆虫与其所寄生的小兽宿主存在同步进化的关系,特定的小兽宿主,其体表吸虱群落的构成比较稳定,宿主动物的近缘关系越近,其体表吸虱群落的相似性越高,这是吸虱昆虫与小兽宿主协同进化的一个重要生态学证据。  相似文献   
吸虱是寄生于真兽类哺乳动物体表的专性吸血寄生虫,广布于世界各地.我国已知吸虱11科22属96种.分别占世界已知科、属、种的64.71%、45.83%、17.14%.从分类阶元、特有物种、动物地理区划和宿主动物4个方面分析了我国吸虱的物种多样性.中国特有种吸虱27种.中国横跨古北和东洋两界,吸虱分布以东洋界和占北界共有属级分布型最丰富,有13属29种;其次为东洋界特有分布型,有6属41种,种类丰富;古北界特有分布型仅2属,但种类丰富,有24种.吸虱在7个地理区分布,以华中区、华南区、西南区3个地理区的吸虱物种多样性较高,其它4个区的物种多样性较低.我国吸虱物种多样性较为丰富,吸虱的物种分布受宿主动物地域分布的影响较大.吸虱的宿主动物种类丰富,但宿主动物体表吸虱的物种多样性低,一科(属)阶元的吸虱其宿主多为相对应的一科(亚科)动物阶元,反映了吸虱宿主特异性较高的事实,是吸虱与其宿主协同进化的生态学表现.  相似文献   
太平洋甲胁虱是寄生于黄胸鼠体表的一种主要吸虱昆虫 ,在云南广泛分布。应用Iwao直线回归方法及其随机偏离度检验对太平洋甲胁虱在黄胸鼠不同个体间的空间分布格局进行了研究。根据Iwao直线回归方法 ,建立了M =12 .10 +4.76M (r=0 .75 ,P <0 .0 1)的回归方程 ,所得到的α与 β值 (α =12 .10 ,β =4 .76 )均明显高于判定界线值 0和 1。对α与β值进行随机偏离度检验 ,F =6 .0 7(P <0 .0 5 ) ,由此判定太平洋甲胁虱在黄胸鼠不同个体间的空间分布格局为聚集型分布 ,这说明太平洋甲胁虱对黄胸鼠的寄生是不均匀的 ,存在聚集并有形成大小不一的吸虱个体群的趋势。  相似文献   
吸虱是寄生于真兽类哺乳动物体表的专性吸血寄生虫,广布于世界各地。云南省已知吸虱昆虫9科13属44种,分别占中国已知吸虱科、属、种的81.82%,59.09%,45.83%。文章参考大量相关文献,从分类阶元、特有物种、动物地理区划和宿主动物4个方面分析云南省吸虱的物种多样性。云南省吸虱特有种有13种,占云南省已知吸虱种类的29.55%,27种为东洋种,15种为古北和东洋两界兼有种,广布种9种。吸虱在5个地理小区的分布,以横断山中部和横断山南部2个地理小区的吸虱物种多样性较高,其它3个区的物种多样性较低。相对于全国而言,云南省吸虱物种多样性较高,吸虱的宿主动物种类丰富。但蚤、恙螨和革螨等其它体表寄生虫相比较,兽类宿主动物体表吸虱的物种多样性明显低于其它体表寄生虫,1科(属)阶元的吸虱其宿主多为相对一致的1个科(属)动物阶元,反映了吸虱宿主特异性较高的事实,吸虱昆虫与其对应的宿主动物已经形成了比较稳定的"一对一"的寄生关系,这是吸虱昆虫与其宿主动物协同进化的生态学表现。  相似文献   
We investigated the diversity, cophylogenetic relationships, and biogeography of hoplopleurid sucking lice (Phthiraptera: Anoplura) parasitizing rodents (Muridae: Sigmodontinae) in the Manu National Park and Biosphere Reserve. Our morphological and molecular studies reveal that 15 distinct louse species parasitize 19 rodent species. Three of these louse species are new to science, and all but two of the host associations were previously unknown. We find that hoplopleurid lice in South America parasitize multiple host species across a large geographic area, and that Peru represents a new geographic locality for almost all the louse species collected in the present study. Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear data reveal that the louse family Hoplopleuridae and the genera Hoplopleura and Pterophthirus are not monophyletic, and lice do not appear to group by host tribe, collecting locality, or collection elevation. The lack of monophyly for these apparently natural groups (taxonomic, locality, and elevation) indicates that host switching with or without parasite speciation may be prevalent among hoplopleurid lice. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 598–610.  相似文献   
Morphology of the head and mouthparts in Psocoptera was investigated, and revised interpretations for clypeus and maxilla were proposed. The convex plate in the frontal region of the head capsule is the postclypeus, rather than the frons; the galea is clearly differentiated from the stipes and the origin of the stipito-lacinial muscle is partly shifted from the stipes to the base of the galea; the cardo is completely fused with the stipes without any suture or sulcus. Brief discussions on the evolution of piercing and sucking mouthparts and on the phylogeny of Paraneoptera were provided, based on these revised interpretations.  相似文献   
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